Our Online Courses

Intentionally developed by Dr. Crystal Abitz— master educator, author, and researcher whose love of learning and mentoring is unparalleled

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Manage Your Energy

Discover why focusing on your energy levels can lead to greater productivity and satisfaction. Uncover practical strategies to recharge your batteries, align your energy with your priorities, and wave goodbye to the overwhelm of endless to-do lists. Get ready to unleash your potential by managing not just your tasks, but your vitality!

Provide an Immersive Experience

Gain knowledge and understanding of intentional breathwork and guided imagery and learn how to guide your clients into a deeper level of healing. Set yourself apart from other therapists while saving your invaluable hands.

A Self-Discovery Journey

A career or professional practice that generates a healthy income is great, but how great can it be if you're feeling burned out or unfulfilled? We believe in digging deep to find your roots-- your personal core values, and bringing them to the heart center of your professional practice.

Increase Client Retention

By the end of this course, you will have a toolkit of powerful strategies to enhance client loyalty, maximize rebooking rates, and ensure a steady flow of appointments.

View All of Our Online Courses

At Legacy Wellness Institute for Integrative Massage Therapy LLC, our mission is to promote holistic health and wellness through innovative and comprehensive resources for licensed massage therapists and other wellness practitioners. Our courses are intentionally developed by a master educator, author, and researcher whose love of learning and mentoring is unparalleled. We hope you gain through our courses what it is you seek as you continue your journey of personal and professional development, growth, and healing.